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Imaging Woodlands is a collaboration between Suzi Richer (Richer Environmental and University of York), Jo Dacombe (Artist and University of Leicester) and Freya Sierhuis (University of York).


We aim to explore past and present perceptions of woodlands in the UK by bringing different people together with various expertise and ideas. This includes perspectives from art, science, archaeology and literature. Importantly, each project is locally-situated and includes a strong element of local participation. 


Jo maintains a blog documenting the collaboration and there is also an assocatied Twitter Account  @imagwoods.


Projects and outputs

Imagining Woods

2nd year module at Department of  English and Related Literature, University of York 

April-May 2018

This module arose out of the collaboration between artist Jo Dacombe, environmental archaeologist Suzi Richer, and literary specialist Freya Sierhuis. It aims to inspire students to think about woodlands from a variety of literary, historical, scientific and artistic perspectives, using a conceptual approach focused on notions such as ‘place’ to generate an interdisciplinary dialogue. It also included two workshops that took place at St Nick's Nature Reserve.


Ecocritcism Study Day 1

27 January 2018

See Jo's blog post for further details of the day.

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